
We are happy that you have chosen excellence!

Scroll down to learn how to join Rodschinson.

Rodschinson is one of the preferred partners of international investors. Being part of our network and our structures opens the doors to a world of opportunities.

L’excellence étant notre devise, Nous mettons un point d’honneur à nous distinguer parmi les standards les plus exigeants. Ainsi, nous nous entourons des meilleurs talents que nous plaçons au cœur de nos préoccupations afin de les évoluer en de véritables experts métier.

Recruitment, an art!

We carefully choose the most talented and committed profiles, because the missions assigned to them will have a profound and lasting effect in the economic world in which we operate.

Beyond their potential Rodschinson expects exceptional qualities from its future employees

Impeccable Ethics

We always put the interests of our clients first. Ethics, loyalty and integrity are fundamental values which are reflected in all our actions and attitudes towards our customers and partners but also in our internal relationships.

Developed Intelligence

In a constantly evolving market, our employees must have a broad general culture.


Proactivity for Rodschinson is the ability to seize market opportunities, make the right decisions and take the right actions at the right times.

The meaning of relational

We are partners of the most demanding investors in the world. Knowing how to maintain good relationships with our partners and enrich their quality is one of the most sought-after skills in our profession.


We believe that ambition is at the root of all success. At Rodschinson, we want to surround ourselves with people who know how to set goals and exploit their full potential to achieve their objective.

How to Join Us?

We consider each stage of the recruitment process for our future talents as important, so we ensure that it takes place under the best conditions.

In order to increase the chances that your application will attract the attention of our recruiters, we advise you to take note of the following terms and conditions:

Take the time to get to know us well

It is very important to us that our future employees spend time getting to know our company, our history, our culture, our values and our activities. To this end we have put in place a set of systems that will help them discover who we are. Our website is an important resource for finding out about the locations of our subsidiaries and offices, the services we offer, news from our sectors of activity and the career opportunities we offer. We also remain attentive to our community through our pages on the following social networks: Linkedin, Twitter, Facebook and Youtube.

Apply for the offer that suits you best

Take care to choose the position that suits you and that aligns with your expertise among the various career opportunities that we offer. Be sure to review the details of each posting and the requirements of the position to be filled. You can also propose spontaneous applications specifying all the details relating to your specialty, your academic background and your experiences.
professionals via our online application system.

Take care of your CV

Votre CV doit refléter votre goût de l’excellence. Assurez-vous qu’il soit soigné, mis à jour, bien mis en page, qu’il ne contienne pas des erreurs de langues, et qu’il présente toutes les informations pertinentes en rapport avec le poste pour lequel vous postulez. Joignez une lettre qui explique vos motivations pour rejoindre Rodschinson Investment.