The expert missions:

The “capital markets” team draws on the comprehensive expertise of all Rodschinson Investment sectors. As such, she is able to offer clients a 360-degree perspective on any property and its potential value, including benchmarks for rental values, energy efficiency analysis, improvement requirements technical or maintenance, redevelopment potential, operational expenses and more.

Expertise on the value of property and real estate rights
  • Market value
  • Just value
  • Market rental value
  • Value of the lease right
  • Value of business or eviction compensation
  • Mortgage value
  • Contribution value

An appraisal of real estate rights can be carried out, in continuation of use, in reconversion, under the regime of full ownership, during dismemberment or when the right is limited in time: temporary occupation authorizations, construction leases or emphyteutic, bare ownership, usufruct, life annuity.