For a medical real estate asset to be profitable, it requires proven operational real estate expertise to meet the needs of the medical institution in question, and this to ensure annuity and other sustainable and long-term income.

Rodschinson helps its clients identify suitable partners who have proven and established experience in their respective sectors of activity. Careful consideration and due diligence are important factors during this process.

Our aim is to support and guide our clients to get the best investment by unlocking the untapped potential of the business.


Invest in healthcare, invest in your future

The healthcare real estate ecosystem is so diverse and vast that many of our clients often don't know where to start because the opportunities are endless.

Sector analyses and in-depth industry research have repeatedly shown that medical real estate is increasingly an attractive investment option.

For institutional and private investors, we offer unique opportunities to participate in the growth of health technology companies with full investment lifecycle management.


Unrivaled management and leasing expertise

Rodschinson is also an international brand. Our network of relationships includes administrations and clients spread across different geographic areas.

We have decades of practical experience helping landlords identify and connect with suitable tenants, negotiate lease terms and enforce contracts.

Whether you are looking to buy company stock or assets, our versatile team can present you with the best trading strategy and alternatives to organize your investment.



Our global M&A practice includes valuation and transaction advisory services, strategy development, and business divestitures across a variety of industries.

The "Global Medical" division, whose departments are experts in the purchase, sale and rental of medical real estate, focuses on sustainable financing structures at moderate or acceptable risk levels for the client and develops a long-term plan.

With our specialists in the Seniors Division, get the most out of your investments and activities relating to accommodation for the elderly.

The experts at Rodschinson Senior put their know-how at your disposal whether you are an investor, shareholder, operator or even promoter of a service residence or a rest home.

What differentiates us from the market is our ability to specialize in sectoral niches in order to offer our clients a professional approach and sound advice in line with their expectations.

  • Transaction support and advice
  • Market study
  • Support during purchase/sale
  • Support during the negotiation phase
  • Net Present Value (NPV) and Yield Analysis
Expertise & Valuation:
  • Analysis of the real estate market
  • Market research for exploitation purposes
  • Expertise in rental and market values
  • Analysis of value in continued use
  • Analysis of optimized scenarios
  • Replacement cost
  • Portfolio analysis
Technical Audit:
  • Risk analysis (technical problems, environmental risks, etc.)
  • Retraining study
  • Monitoring of real estate performance
  • Support in budgeting for possible work
Due diligence:
  • Valuation of securities
  • Account analysis
  • Analysis of the real estate portfolio and its structure
  • Mortgage financing and leasing
  • Definition of the best arrangement: sale of shares or assets, transfers and takeovers of assets, OpCo / PropCo

At a time when the proportion of the elderly population is increasing significantly in many European countries, investments in senior living facilities are proving to be a great success. The Rod Seniors team helps its clients to enter, grow and establish themselves in the senior care sector.

ROD Seniors has hands-on experience in lease administration, asset valuation, developing conversion strategies and acquisitions.

Our global and diverse clientele includes Large Corporations, Small and Medium Enterprises, Investment Banks, Pension Funds, Hedge Funds and High Net Worth Individuals. ROD Seniors is equipped to respond to all investment requests, whatever their size or ambition.



Our ROD M&A division supports the ROD Seniors teams in order to offer our clients the best advice on valuation and transactions, mergers, acquisitions and sales of companies in the housing sector for people. of the 3rd age.

ROD Seniors experts support you at all stages of your acquisition or sale, analyze with you potential rental income and how to stabilize them and alert you to acceptable risk levels.

Dental care is a growing field. We all need dental services at every point in our lives.

With the improvement in health care and cosmetic procedures, dental offices are more common than ever.

From routine visits to specialized treatments, each stage of life brings its own dental needs:

  • Children need pediatric dentists and orthodontists.
  • Teenagers need checkups and orthodontists. They constitute an increasingly large group requiring aesthetic care.
  • Adults are eager to take advantage of braces, whitening and cosmetic procedures.
  • Our seniors are motivated to take care of their teeth as a marker of well-being and health.

Thanks to advances in science and the rise of social media, dental services are in higher demand than ever which makes investing in dental real estate a smart move. It might not seem as exciting as other options, but the stable income from a business that helps the community is rewarding.

Savvy investors see a booming sector. While dentistry may not be as glamorous as other investment opportunities, the satisfaction of profitably participating in a field that contributes to the health of the community outweighs this lack of glamor. Dental practices offer today's investors the opportunity to make a profit in a stable and growing industry.


Rod Dental’s team of specialists brings a wealth of historical knowledge, combined with a constant desire to present our clients with the most up-to-date market research. Our history and methods give our clients the edge they need to succeed..


Investors looking to diversify their portfolios are increasingly looking to new markets. The dental industry offers the stability of a needed healthcare market, with the growing trend of cosmetic dentistry and an aging population seeking extended care.


Dentists who have reached a milestone in their career and believe that financial diversification is beneficial often begin their investment journey close to home: by purchasing a practice for their own use. RODSCHINSON is equipped to guide these professionals into the exciting new world of investing, with years of real estate experience and the most up-to-date market analysis.

Medical practice owners

Medical offices are an integral part of urban and suburban life. One of the benefits of living in an active neighborhood is the ease of finding quality health care options. When medical offices pool their resources, doctors, specialists, dentists, therapists, and wellness professionals can share the same space. Owning such a facility provides the owner with a steady rental income and a stable client base that is involved in the community.

Rodschinson Investment’s Expertise in Real Estate and Insurance

As a leading real estate and investment company with over 20 years of experience, we offer a platform that is both broad and deep. We constantly seek to produce creative and innovative investment results that benefit our clients. Our specialization in real estate and investment, our expertise and our commitment to our clients give us a clear competitive advantage. 

The insurance industry is changing rapidly and RODSCHINSON is at the forefront of these changes. As the industry moves from a largely fragmented market to a consolidated market, and technology changes the way insurance companies operate, RODSCHINSON is here to assess the changes and help its clients make the most of this evolving market.

With portfolio managers who are experts in real estate assets, we actively manage and operate assets to maximize returns, moving capital effectively and efficiently across borders, and defending our clients' interests in the whole world.

Investment in insurance

RODSCHINSON has tracked the progress insurance agencies and companies have made from brick-and-mortar offices to logistics powerhouses. Technology has changed every aspect of the insurance industry, modernizing it, streamlining it and facilitating communication and transactions between customers, agents and companies. The combination of real space and logistics space now required by the insurance industry creates an exciting new market for investors.

What are the challenges of investing in an insurance agency?

Buying and selling insurance agencies and brokerages presents unique risks and challenges that do not necessarily apply to other industries. Although insurance agencies are not held to the same standards that apply to taking over insurance companies, there are many significant due diligence, drafting, and even regulatory challenges to be taken taken into account when considering the purchase of an insurance agency.

Insurance agents invest in their own facilities

Insurance agents who are willing to invest often find that investing in their own premises has a dual benefit. In addition to the stability that comes from owning your own premises, financial returns contribute to future profits, whether from expansion or retirement.

Rodschinson's expertise

Insurance agents looking to purchase assets for their own agencies, as well as seasoned investors looking to expand their portfolio, will benefit from RODSCHINSON's years of experience.

Only experts like RODSCHINSON’s insurance team are able to conduct the research necessary for each transaction. Our clients can relax knowing that their team has thoroughly examined every detail regarding topics such as:

  • Regulatory Considerations: The purchase or sale of an insurance company is subject to a vigorous regulatory review and approval process.
  • Agency License: When this agency sells, solicits and/or negotiates insurance, it must hold an insurance agency license, a broker's license or an insurance production firm license.
  • Individual Licenses and Activities: Due diligence should be exercised to determine whether individual agents hold the appropriate licenses based on the scope of their activities.
  • Foreign Qualifications: Agencies must be in compliance with their country's corporate laws to determine whether they have properly qualified.
  • Ownership of Insurance Accounts Receivable, Policy Expiration and Exclusivity Provisions: Agencies must be able to obtain and maintain relationships in the face of competition from other agencies, but they must also combat the possibility of losing business directly to the insurance companies and/or wholesale general agencies with which they do business.
  • Remuneration and contingent commissions: The amount of business placed with an insurer must be determined, as well as the results in terms of persistence of policies and the loss rate or performance of the risks placed.
  • Premium Trust Accounts, Fiduciary Duties and Successor Liability: The purchaser may be required to pay substantial funds to insurance companies for the right to continue its business.
  • Profit-sharing and compensation mechanisms.
Technical concerns

The evolution of the technical and logistical aspects of the insurance industry has streamlined processes and made it easier to satisfy customers, but these changes are not without their challenges. The Rod Assurance team is equipped to address the following concerns:

  • Current information management strategies that could make insurers less competitive.
  • Bridging information silos to improve the customer experience.
  • Methods for improving decision making through intelligent information.
  • How AI can bring more automation and insight to claims and underwriting processes.
  • New ways to comply with regulations like CCPA and GDPR.

Off-Market Portfolio​

Stay informed about the latest investment opportunities. Contact us, we will be able to support you for a better investment.

Invest Smarter

Investing in real estate is undoubtedly a good choice for a stable return. In the long term, the stability of the value is a real asset. You not only get a return on your rental income, but you also benefit from your investment again when you resell your property after a few years.

Empowering Vendors

Get your asset to market quickly with a structured sales process to win. Our team is equipped to identify your needs and to find a buyer for your property under the best conditions and deadlines.